The Green Eyed Girl

I'm currently living in Brussels, Belgium, and doing an internship for a European Authorized Representative. So far it's been amazing, and I think it is going to be an exciting three months!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Après le travail :)

I really like work, but it would be more fun to be out and exploring all the time!  I basically spend the day calling potential clients, encouraging them to sign on with our company.  Luckily they've approached us possibly interested in utilizing our services, so it's not bad, and playing the occasional game of solitaire :)  But the people I work with are fantastic and I go out with them every Friday night.  Brussels has so many fun places to go, and most of them are close to the city center.  It still amazes me that when you walk out of a bar you run into an ancient cathedral.  It's really crazy!!

I'm usually the only girl that goes, which is always kind of fun, so here are some pictures of my new friends and strangely my boss!  haha!

 Tarun and Ivan- Ivan is the one in the glasses and he is my boss :)

 From left: Dash, Tadej, me, Poseidon, and Joao

 Me and Emil

 Everyone minus Tadej and Poseidon


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